Real Estate Success

Confessions of a Caffeinated Realtor: Traits For Real Estate Success

July 06, 20244 min read

These Traits Will Make You An Awesome Realtor

Many different aspects of Real Estate attract people to it, and we will go over some of them, but let's just put it right out there, a TON of people have delved into this world solely because they saw a Realtor drive up in a fancy car, wearing awesome clothes and in a very general sense, just keeping their "Pimp Hand Strong!"  They thought, "Wait, now THAT looks like something I could get into." "It seems like they are so on top of it, it looks so easy, and the flexibility, and money, and, and, and..."  

You can't see me right now, but I am laughing at that person for saying that.  Now, I am not laughing because I think they're stupid (strong possibility), but because in a sense, I WAS that person. Now with years behind me, writing this as a grizzled veteran, let me flex some rizz (as my teenage boys like to say). DISCLAIMER:  that was humor and I have no actual knowledge if I am even conveying the thought that I wish to pass on some valuable information based on experience. I am old, and cringe, but I thought it may be funny. My kids would like to assert that they, in no way, participated.

Anyway, to be clear, if you happen to find yourself at least knee deep in trying to get there out of a desire to emulate that person or persons, there is still hope. However, let me give you some insight into some actual personality traits, even skills that will make you successful in this industry:

Extroversion -  If you are someone that hates crowds, and parties, and meeting new people, and putting yourself out there, this may not be for you. You have to almost border on annoying when it comes to excitement in meeting people.  

You can't be too "Salesy" - you must learn to strike the perfect balance between making sure that people know what you do, yet never, ever tell them.

You must like coffee, like, a lot -  Dinners are expensive, lunches can trap you into a death spiral of waiting for food, etc., whereas coffee gives you the opportunity to bail early if you can tell right away that you're wasting your time.

Generosity - You have to practice this, and people can tell when it isn't real, so don't fake it.  You must look at the potential commission and be happy to whittle it down a bit with lunches and closing gifts that your clients will actually like and appreciate.  You must also be generous with your time, because, after all, you don't have other things to do, I mean, just look at how easy this is and how much you're getting paid, you know, before your brokerage robs, er I mean deducts their totally righteous amount, and you factor in a million other expenses other people have no clue about.

Patience, I mean, like, Mother Thresa, Biblical Jesus level patience - you will get clients that think they are your only client, and that, somehow, after you sell their one house, it is time to retire.  You will do business with people that can call you on Christmas morning and ask if they are bothering you, and then you have to cheerfully say, "No, tell me more about your popcorn ceiling issues."

You must be willing to sacrifice comfort for lookin dayumm good - because, you dress like this every day and it ain't no thang.  Never mind that it takes you longer to dress than a wealthy southern woman during the Civil War at a cotillion or some such thing, you know, before the reconstruction and Sherman's March to the Sea.  Oh and the clothes cost a lot too.  You also have to learn how to look "super cute" even when you're at baseball games, etc.

And lastly, a sense of humor with a healthy dose of persistence - If you cannot laugh during the hard and stressful times, you may not last.  You will find yourself in the cool position of sitting on a beach in Mexico, while simultaneously in the uncool position of writing a contract while your husband sits next to you on his 10th Pina Colada, pining on about what the Muppet Show meant to him as a kid.

Listen, I could go on.  My real advice, that is, what I am really trying to convey, is that you want to think about this career path before you go too far.  You want to get with people that have put in the work.  The mentors you choose, especially in the early stages of your business, absolutely have the ability to make or break your Real Estate future.  Find people willing to invest in you, pay for a quality coach, do the research, it will be worth it.

Beth Shields

If you are still interested in becoming an agent after reading this,

Watch this video to learn the next steps you need to take

Beth Shields has nearly a decade of expertise to the real estate industry. In this time she has facilitated transactions totaling over $30 million. She has guided countless clients to their dream homes and now shares her insights as a real estate trainer. Beth equips aspiring agents with the strategies, knowledge, and skills needed to succeed in the industry, helping them replicate her proven success.

Beth Shields

Beth Shields has nearly a decade of expertise to the real estate industry. In this time she has facilitated transactions totaling over $30 million. She has guided countless clients to their dream homes and now shares her insights as a real estate trainer. Beth equips aspiring agents with the strategies, knowledge, and skills needed to succeed in the industry, helping them replicate her proven success.

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